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A New Look for Tidy Design

30th May, 2013

Several design concepts later, the first dating back to winter 2012; today we set the foundation for Tidy Design and the years ahead.


In terms of web work and SEO strategies, a lot has been happening over the past couple of months. With only so many hours in the day, several personal projects and my daily blogging routine got put on hold.

The good news, we’re back!!! Today is a new chapter for Tidy Design; we have re-vamped our site to be seen as more corporate, professional and mature as a business. Truth be told, the old site was messy and pretty dated (from a code perspective) so this new minimal design will give us a cleaner more structured platform to build on.

Please excuse any bugs, typos or design imperfections, today was one of those “… let’s hit upload and develop things as we go …” moments. I guess my work schedule has been pretty crazy lately, so hitting upload sooner rather than later seemed to make sense… Anyway, I hope you like it. We have lots of blog posts and updates to roll out over the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned.

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