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New business is important, repeat business is vital!

3rd November, 2010

New business is important, repeat business is vital

Over the last few weeks Tidy Design has seen a massive increase in new enquiries from both the web and word of mouth. Ok, not all enquiries result in new business; some people want it yesterday, others will want a price without giving us a detailed job spec, and well, some projects simply require a lot of time! Something we don’t always have at the drop of a hat due to our existing clients and already commissioned projects.

That said our conversion rate is not bad! And as much as we love our existing customers we also enjoy making those all important new contacts (I guess it’s the balance between new and repeat that generates growth). One enquiry we received about two weeks ago was from ‘Adam the Magic Music Man’, a children’s entertainer in Portsmouth who had been let down by his current web marketing company… A story we hear more and more these days! Anyway, after several website updates, a couple of calls and emails, Adam sent this email today:

“…I mentioned in a previous email that I was extremely grateful for the excellent work you had done so far on my website. I am continually impressed with the ongoing work you have done and well informed suggestions that you have made to me. My aim is for my website to outrank my local competitors in style, professionalism, content and one day in search engine listings positions. I have no doubt you’ll be able to achieve that for me…”

The above feedback is amazing to read, hence us sharing it with you the reader! Thank you Adam for choosing Tidy Design and we hope to work with you for many years to come!

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